Deck Review: Vehicroids

“Robots in Disguise”

With the recent release of XYZ monsters and their new simple summoning condition I felt inclined to look at some older archetypes that may be affected by this change. One of those archetypes that I stumbled upon was Vehicroids. Although they still might not be the best, a couple of their cards have gotten a huge boost from the release of XYZ monsters and I figured I’d try to inspire some new ideas in people with them. Let’s take a look!

"aka Summon Priest"

Card Review: Summoner Monk

"aka Summon Priest"

 In lieu of Summoner Monk‘s recent jump to the semi-limited section of the September 2011 banlist, I thought it would be appropriate to look at what, to some was an overlook-able  card and a change on the banlist that wont effect the meta-game, but in my book is a fantastic new addition to some overlooked decks of the past and even some desirable support for decks of the future. Here’s a look at its effect:

“This card cannot be Tributed. When this card is Normal or Flip Summoned, it is changed to Defense Mode. Once per turn, you can discard 1 Spell Card to Special Summon 1 Level 4 Monster from your Deck. It cannot attack this turn.”