If we take a peek into the future, a meta resilient to destruction is just around the corner. How should we deal with this?
Rulings: Resolving End Phase Effects
This is a ruling that has come up with the YCG cast, amongst ourselves and also at high level events that most people don’t know how to resolve. I will now make my best attempt to explain it.
Washington Regional Report: 4/12/2014
BanishBujinChaosDeck ProfileDragonsElemental HEROsEvent ReportFire FistGravekeeperHEROsLightswornNoble KnightsOTKWritten by: KyleXYZ
Kyle here with a regional report for this last Saturday.
Bujin Deck Profile, Post LVAL
To supplement our upcoming Bujin Podcast, here’s the deck I’ve been working on for the discussion. I’ve been having some great success with it. This build is post Legacy of the Valiant.