A weird card from yonder days past.
What’s With Traps?
A short discussion on the way newer archetypes are being created involving Trap Cards.
Ideas, Updates, etc.
No specific topics for today’s article, just a Yu-Gi-Oh! idea splurge.
Don’t Destroy Stuff.
ArchetypeBujinDragon RulerElemental HEROsGameplayGhostrickNoble KnightsTheory-Oh!Written by: Kyle
If we take a peek into the future, a meta resilient to destruction is just around the corner. How should we deal with this?
Chaos Monarch Ideas
AttributeBanishChaosDarkDeckDeck BuildingDragonsEnginesLightShadow SpectersTheoryTheory-Oh!Written by: KyleXYZ
Monarchs without Frogs, that is my discussion!
End Game/Combo Game
Today I discuss some pure Theory-Oh! based around different types of game states: the neutral game and the end game or combo game.