My updates on my Ghostrick, Noble Knights and Sylvan deck lists.
Noble Knights Deck List 2014
Here’s my take on Noble Knights after a lot of theory and testing.
Regional Report
As is my custom, here’s a report from my most recent Regional event, however good or bad it may be.
Sylvan Deck Profile, Post Primal Origin
Here’s the Sylvan deck I ended with for my testing for the Sylvan podcast.
Lightsworn Dragon Rulers 2014, deck update
Just another update on this deck. I hope you’re not bored of it! Tee hee.
Ghostrick Deck Profile, January 2014
Similar to Bujins, here’s my deck I’ve baked up for Ghostricks. I really like this deck!
Bujin Deck Profile, Post LVAL
To supplement our upcoming Bujin Podcast, here’s the deck I’ve been working on for the discussion. I’ve been having some great success with it. This build is post Legacy of the Valiant.
Frog Monarchs, January 2014
Here’s my preliminary deck list for Frog Monarchs, January 2014 format.
Lightsworn Dragon Rulers, January 2014
As requested by Hobo Bob, here’s my current Lightsworn Ruler deck list.
Lightsworn Chaos Rulers
As I said in my previous article, I’m quite short on ideas. Lots of cards coming out in the future that I have almost no cares about and other present interests keeps me at a lack of creativity. For now I’ve just been toying around with Lightsworn Rulers.