Here’s that list:
I got nothing…
…as in ideas.
Card Thoughts: Subterror Behemoth Burrowing
Just a random though.
Random Thoughts: SPYRALs
Just some of the ideas I’ve been mulling over about SPYRALs.
Card Review: Lost Wind RATE-EN068
A new card that’s kind of gone under the radar.
Quick YCS Seattle Overview
I was there, I swear!
Deck Profile: Subterror (Post RATE)
As would seem logical, I follow-up with a new deck profile.
RATE: Subterror Review
I figure I might as well talk about these guys too.
From the upcoming pack Raging Tempest, the new SPYRAL support has been revealed!
Deck Profile: SPYRALs
Return to the SPYRAL secret base!