Super Future Yugioh Powers! Beware of the mass mill!
Hidden in the Dinomist
In the hush of the night Dinomist has become a realistic rouge threat, did you notice?
Merry Christmas!
No articles for the next three weeks(counting this week). Have a merry Christmas everyone!
Card Review: Aleister the Eidolon Summoner
An upcoming meta-relevant card that I certainly enjoy.
Quick Blurb
I’m pretty busy this week, so just a quick blurb.
Happy Thanksgiving!
No article this week! See y’all next week!
SFYP: “Zoodiac”
AKA: Super Future Yugioh Powers (SFYP), that’s what I’m calling it.
Card Review: Fluffal Penguin
New Fluffal support… and new Penguin support, all in one!
Subterror Round-Up 02: INOV
I’ve been playing a lot with the new Subterrors and here’s some takeaways and strategies.
Deck Prfofile: Demise Dragons
Starring the newer structure monsters: Arkbrave Dragon and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand.