I figure I might as well talk about these guys too.
From the upcoming pack Raging Tempest, the new SPYRAL support has been revealed!
SFYP: That Grass Looks Greener
Super Future Yugioh Powers! Beware of the mass mill!
Metalfoes for Everyone!
The new Metalfoes archetype is pretty sweet, and it’s good for everyone!
Side Decks at Nationals
A quick look at some cards I liked from people’s sides at the North American WCQ.
Brilliant Fusion Monarch Engine
No, not the one that Hoban used, a different one.
Harpie Tech 2016
Somehow I’ve spent the last month with Harpies. I’ve had an academic sort of fun with them. I’ve tested their Xyz options, many main deck options, and tried to add my own spin along the way. These are some of the Harpie tech cards I’ve tested along the way.
Looking at Burgesstoma
I take a look at an archetype we’re not getting for a long time… ’cause I can!