In the hush of the night Dinomist has become a realistic rouge threat, did you notice?
August 29th Banlist Thoughts
My thoughts on each of the changes to the August 29th banlist.
Amorphage Deck Profile
A deck profile for the new archetype: Amorphages.
Budget Splashable Pendulum Engine
Courtesy of Breakers of Shadows.
Deck Profile: Pendulum Magicians Update
An update to my Pendulum Magician build since my Regional learnings.
Dinomist Deck for 2016
Testing Dinomists
I can’t believe how easy the Dinomist archetype is to use. Without any real thought, I shoved the entire Dinomist line-up into a build, including their spell and trap support, added two or three fun cards, and called it good.
Washington Regional Report (12/19/15)
There was a regionals, and their was Yugioh at it. Come listen to a story young ones.