In this Episode:
Matt, Kyle, Justen, Joe, and Rob discuss various aspects of the yugioh tournament atmosphere. Honorable Judge Rob shares the story of how he recently got banned from yugioh for 1 full year.
Matt, Kyle, Justen, Joe, and Rob discuss various aspects of the yugioh tournament atmosphere. Honorable Judge Rob shares the story of how he recently got banned from yugioh for 1 full year.
A light, pre-bosh podcast where we talk about what yugioh efforts we’ve been making over the past month. Kyle’s been experimenting with his pendulum build, Matt with his Dinomists and Blue-Eyes, and Justen with his Kaijus.
We also discuss the games current state, and some highlights and anticipations from the upcoming release of Breakers of Shadows.
There’s no way that Matt, Kyle, and returning guest Joe could miss talking about the Crossed Souls set release…no way at all.
Matt, Kyle, and Justen discuss the latest World Superstars set release!
We discuss Yugiohs upcoming releases, as well as Justen and Kyle’s Regionals trip.
Matt, Kyle, and Justen go over their thoughts on the new banlist.
We discuss the Pre-Banlist meta, predictions, and the state of the game.
Matt, Kyle, and Justen discuss the current meta, news, and their feelings on the current game state!
Matt, Kyle, and Justen discuss the Secret Forces set release, some news, YCS plans and more!