
Chaos Zombie HERO Monarchs?

 photo ReaperontheNightmare_zps0540e342.jpg I continue my little theme along to this week with some more ideas, not relating to the last ones. They are less refined this time, but I feel they are more potent. There’s so many ideas that they wont even fit into a single deck, so it’ll have to be sorted out to be of any use. This week is about what I don’t know what to call other than Chaos Zombie HERO Monarchs.


Deck Ideas Part 1…

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Here’s the idea I had. Here I am, I have a bunch of really wild deck ideas milling round in my head, so I decide I want to display them somehow, but I don’t have the time or the resources to test them all out in real life. So, my idea is that I go on a little spree of sorts telling you about some rather weird deck ideas I’ve had, and you can decide for yourself if you think they’re cool or not, and maybe try some of it out for yourself if it tickles your fancy. Thus I am here now with an idea for a deck code name “Hedgehog”.

Chaos HEROs

Deck Profile: Chaos HEROs

Photobucket(Sorry for not getting this up on Monday! I had school in the morning and went directly to work from there, I completely forgot to put up my article) I didn’t have anything in particular to post so I figured I’d do another deck profile. This is pretty much the deck I’ve been working on the majority of my time: Chaos HEROs. It’s loosely based on an OCG build using Chaos in HEROs with a lot of variation I’ve brought to make the deck as full of options as possible at all times. It exchanges the defensive nature of HERO beat for consistent OTK and control plays.